Tara National Park belongs to internal Dinarides and it is part of Serbian Vlach mountains. It is located in the far West of Serbia in an encompassing area bounded by the Drina River between Višegrad and Bajina Bašta. In the narrowest part of the mountain massif Mt Zvijezda was placed and it is naturally separated from Mt Tara by Canyon of Derventa River. Looking by altitudes, Tara is medium-high mountain, with an mean altitude of 1,000-1,200 meters above sea level. The highest peak is Kozji (Goat) rid with high of 1,591 meters.
The area of Tara National Park has been identified as an Important Plant Area (IPA) and important Bird Area - (IBA). In addition, since 2003 Mt Tara has been proclaimed as prime Butterfly Areas (PBA) and has also been identified as important in the framework of the Emerald Network.
Tara National Park was declared in 1981 with a total area of 24,991.82 ha. Tara National Park with Zaovine (Landscape of outstanding features - it will be merged with Tara NP) and Nature park Mokra Gora was nominated by UNESCO MAB Committee as a potential biosphere reserve, which will have a cross-border character as it will include the area of the future Drina National Park in the Republic of Srpska (BiH).
Tara is a typical forest area, and for its preservation and diversity of forest ecosystems (many of which are relict) one of the richest and most valuable forest areas in Europe. In forest sense Tara National Park is covered with mixed forests of European Spruce, Silver Fir and European Beech (over 85% of forest area) and specificity compared to other mountains of the Balkan Peninsula is the large number of relict and endemic forest species and plant communities.
At Tara was identified more than 40 broadleaf, deciduous - coniferous and coniferous phytocenoses, then 1,156 species of vascular flora which makes 1/3 of the total flora of Serbia. From represented 76 plant species are endemic. Special value and importance of the Serbian Spruce (Picea omorika), endemic and relict species, which is inhabits canyons and ravines of the middle course of the Drina River managed to survive the last ice age. According to the results of previous research, an area inhabited by Tara over 5O species of mammals, 140 species of birds, 23 species of amphibians and reptiles and 19 species of fish. This area is inhabited by the largest population of brown bears in Serbia. The best-known species, for which it may be said to be a symbol of the fauna of Mt Tara, is endemorelict Pančić's grasshopper (Pyrgomorphella serbica).
Throughout the park there are numerous archaeological sites and monuments dating from the Neolithic period to modern times. Most important are the Rača Monastery, one of the most important centers of Serbian medieval literacy, and the necropolis with tombstones in Rastište and Perućac, which are nominated for UNESCO World Heritage List.
Coordinates: 43 ° 50′54 ″ N 19 ° 27′34 ″ E
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (+381) 031/863 644